*My Dear Friends,*
*Many people died due to floods in Kerala. Many homes were completely ruined. Now they need money to recover. *
Kerala is 100% educated state. Most people are aware of financial planning. *
* Now, if he wants to return the money, he should also have a death certificate with the policy bond for the claim, but if someone does not get a dead body, then the claim for the claim is 7 years later. It is not easy to become a death certificate for many people who have been swept away in the flood.
* In such a crisis, L.I.C. Has given special relief to its customers. Today in Kerala, who has a LIC of India policy, they do not need a death certificate. L.I.C. If you give 10 years old agent or development officer by writing then LIC will get a claim. * During the landslide of Latur and Gujarat earthquake and landslide in Kedar valley Uttarakhand, LIC also gave special support to the claimants. *
* Very often it is said that the premium of the private company is low, but today none of them came forward for the claim.
* Therefore, while doing financial planning, it should definitely be considered that if the adversity comes, then we will receive the claim money. *
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