Why lic policy or mutul fund

I am happy today that I could successfully explain the bank employee to invest in LIC instead of a mutual fund.
However I do not get a very big policy.
There is a policy of only 10 lakhs under life benefit.
The argument I made for it was very effective and it gives me satisfaction.
As always, the party said - why do I invest in LIC which gives only 6-7% returns?
Mutual funds offer returns of around 12 to 15%?
I kept silence for a few seconds and then I asked the party.
"Do I need a home loan from your bank? Please tell me what the interest rate is - what will your bank take interest?"
He said - 8.7% to 9.2%!
I only asked - why do not your bank invest in mutual funds and get 12 to 15%?
Why do your bank compete to offer 8-9% home loans with other banks?  And even with the risk of NPA (the amount will not be paid).
And my sales party said to himself -
* When banks do not take risks and also with the money of the people, why should I risk my own money? *

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